Nuclear Weapons Information
Ballistic Missile Defense & Space
Health & Environment
Organizing for Abolition
 Documents Library



Nuclear Weapons Starting Points

Weapons Labs Watchdogs

Nuclear Networks and Lists

Nuclear Weapons and the Law

NGO Monitoring of International Fora

Nuclear Health and Environmental Impacts

BMD and Space

Military Spending

Nuclear History

General Peace Lists

Nuclear Power

Science Policy



Nuclear Weapons Labs

DOE Health and Environment

Radiation Effects and Regulation


Defense Department


Nuclear Weapons and Counterproliferation

Space and Missile Defense




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see sidebar for index of link descriptions

Starting Points For Research on Nuclear Weapons And Related Issues
Natural Resources Defense Council Nuclear Program
Federation of American Scientists
FAS National Security News Links
Nuclear Weapons Archive
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Bulletin links
SIPRI: Nuclear forces and arms control
Nuclear Threat Initiative Research Library
British American Security Information Council
Coalition to Reduce The Nuclear Danger Virtual Library
South Asians Against Nukes
The Nuclear Files
Nukefix search site
Nautilus Institute Global Peace and Security Program
International Relations and Security Network
The Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project
Union of Concerned Scientists
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation

Arms Control and Disarmament Blogs

Bruce Gagnon Blog
Los Alamos Disarmament Center
Strategic Security Project

Information and Activism--Nuclear Weapons Laboratories
Tri-Valley CARES
Los Alamos Study Group
Nuclear Watch New Mexico
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
UC Nuclear Free Campaign

Nevada Test Site-related information and activities

Shundahai Network
Nevada Desert Experience

Other Starting Points for Activism on Nuclear Weapons Issues
Abolition 2000
Proposition 1 Committee A-Z Web List
Peace Action
California Peace Action
American Friends Service Committee
Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Weapons, Peace, and the Law
The International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
The International Court of Justice opinion on the legality of nuclear weapons
The Model Nuclear Weapons Convention
Security and Survival
United Nations Department of Disarmament Affairs Weapons of Mass Destruction Branch
Department of Disarmament Affairs main site
United Nations main site
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization
The Multilaterals Project
International Atomic Energy Agency
Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean

NGO Monitoring of Disarmament Issues in International Fora
Reaching Critical Will
The ACRONYM Institute
Disarmament Diplomacy.
NGO Committee on Disarmament
Arms Control Today
Arms Control Reporter and the IDDS World Arms Database

Health and Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapons Research and Production
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians for Social Responsibility San Francisco Bay Area
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Ballistic Missile Defense And The Militarization of Space
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
Archimedes Institute Space Law and Policy Library
Archimedes Institute Aerospace links
Union of Concerned Scientists on Ballistic Missile Defense
Federation of American Scientists Military Space Page
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt Anti-missile defense international forum pages

Military Spending
Center for Defense Information
Council for a Livable World
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Military Expenditure and Arms Production Project

Nuclear History
National Security Archive nuclear history section
Trinity Atomic Web Site
Leo Szilard Online
The Atomic Archive
The Avalon Project at Yale University

General Peace links lists
Nonviolence Web links list
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
International Peace Bureau

Nuclear Power
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
NIRS web links
World Information Service on Energy (WISE)
Abolone Alliance

Science and Science Policy
The Loka Institute
Loka links list
AAAS Science and Policy Programs
National Academy of Sciences Press
American Physical Society Forum on Physics and Society


U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
DOE "national security"page
National Nuclear Security Agency
DOE budget information
DOE on-line information tools
DOE on-line databases
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Library Nuclear Links
Albuquerque Operations office
Oakland Operations office
Kansas City Operations Office
Nevada Operations Office
Nevada Test Site Environmental Review and other technical documents
Photo Library (including many nuclear testing photos)

Nuclear Weapons Laboratories
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LLNL Library
On-Line Documents Search Page
Institutional Publications
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos Laboratory Library
Institutional Plans
Comprehensive Site Plan
Sandia National Laboratory
Institutional Plans
Comprehensive Plan
On-Line Technical Reports Search Page
University of California Weapons Laboratory Management

Other DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex Sites
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pantex Nuclear Weapons Assembly and Disassembly Facility

DOE Environment, Safety, and Health
DOE Environment, Safety, and Health home page
DOE Central Internet Database on Waste Management and Cleanup
DOE National Environmental Policy Act web site
DOE environmental review documents (at Globalsecurity.org)

Other sites relevant to the health and environmental impacts of DOE activities

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Radiation Protection Program
National Governors' Ass'n Federal Facilities Task Force Long Term Stewardship site
Radiation Effects Research Foundation

Department of Defense and Military Sites 

Department of Defense and General Military Sites
Department of Defense
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Department of Defense budget
DoD Contractors--Rankings and Statistics
Air Force budget
Air Force web library
Air Force Legislative Liaison Office
DOD Research and Development Program Element Descriptive Summaries Search Page
Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for AT&L Web Navigator
Defense Acquisition Deskbook
National Defense Industrial Association Proceedings
Military Education and Research Library Network
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Doctrine Statements
Graylitdatabase search engine
DTIC search
DTIC TopicLinks
RAND corporation on-line publications
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO On-line library

Nuclear Weapons and Counterproliferation
Air Force Counterproliferation Center
Office of the Secretary of Defense Counterproliferation Web
Counterproliferation Web Links
U.S. Strategic Command
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Military Critical Technologies List
Doctrine for Joint Theatre Nuclear Operations (pdf file)
Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations (pdf file)

Missile Defense and Space
Government Space Documents
Missile Defense Agency
BMDO Budget information
BMDO major public statements
U.S. Army Space Command
Air Force Space Command
Navy Space Operations
Space and Missile Systems Center
Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I)
Asst Sec'y of Defense C3I Military Space links

Strategic and Military Intelligence pages

General U.S. Government resources
Library of Congress "Explore the Internet" page
Library of Congress Congressional Megasites
U.S. Department of State
Department of State Bureau of Arms Control
The White House
Government Printing Office (GPO Access)
General Accounting Office
Congressional Research Service Reports compiled by the Federation of American Scientists

Freedom of Information Act
U.S. Department of Justice
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Federation of American Scientists Government Secrecy Project

National Security Archive FOIA page


Starting Points For Research on Nuclear Weapons And Related Issues

Natural Resources Defense Council Nuclear Program

Detailed information about current nuclear weapons stockpiles in all nuclear weapons states, from warheads to delivery systems. Many of NRDC's in-depth analyses of nuclear weapons issues are available on-line.
Federation of American Scientists
This site has extensive resources on nuclear weapons and related issues, including anti-ballistic missile system research and other military space programs.
FAS National Security News Links
Nuclear Archive
A comprehensive on-line site for the history of nuclear weapons and publicly available information about how they work. Information ranges from comprehensive listings of known nuclear tests to links to the excellent Brookings Institute study on the total cumulative costs of U.S. nuclear weapons programs.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
This site has current and past articles from the Bulletin, providing a wealth of information and analysis on nuclear issues. There is also a good set of well-organized links.
Stockholm International Peace Institute: Nuclear forces and arms control
This page has information from the current SIPRI yearbook on arms control issues, including detailed tables on the nuclear arsenals of all states known to have nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Threat Initiative Research Library
This site provides extensive free databases, maintained by the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, on a range of weapons of mass destruction and nonproliferation issues. It also has links to current publications of note by mainstream arms control organizations. The Nuclear Threat Institute, funded by Ted Turner, focuses on preventing use and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
British American Security Information Council
Analysis and information about European and NATO nuclear weapons issues, as well as about U.S. nuclear weapons programs.
Coalition to Reduce The Nuclear Danger Virtual Library
An effort of a coalition of arms control groups. Nuclear weapons information, ranging from treaty documents to information on the health and environmental impacts of nuclear weapons.
South Asians Against Nukes
An excellent site for analysis of the emerging nuclear arms race in South Asia, and also for new thinking about nuclear weapons issues in general.
The Nuclear Files
A project of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, this site has a growing library of information on the history of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons law and policy, and efforts for their elimination.
Nukefix search site
A site pre-set searches for nuclear information at a variety of web site sets, from current media to NGO's. Also allows custom searches of the same sites.
Nautilus Institute Global Peace and Security Program
Information and analysis on security issues, including material on U.S. nuclear weapons programs, NATO nukes, the emerging arms race in South Asia, and the effects of ballistic missile defense on China, the Koreas, Japan, and the region. This site has a number of primary source U.S. government nuclear weapons documents not available elsewhere.
International Relations and Security Network
The "Links List" at this site has a large set of well-organized links from around the world on arms control, military, and related issues.
The Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project
Information on the total cost of nuclear weapons programs, since their inception.
Union of Concerned Scientists
This page has information on de-alerting of nuclear weapons, statements by General Butler and other military figures calling for nuclear disarmament, and other arms control information.
Center for Nonproliferation Studies (Monterey Institute) 

International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation

INESAP is part of the worldwide activities of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES). The main objectives of INESAP are to promote nuclear disarmament, to tighten existing arms control and non-proliferation regimes, as well as to implement unconventional approaches to curbing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to controling the transfer of related technology. This site includes a number of full-text INESAP reports and publications on its publications page.

Information and Activism Focused on the Nuclear Weapons Laboratories and the Nevada Test Site

Tri-Valley CARES

A community group based in Livermore, California, home of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This group provides a range of information and activies on issues ranging from national nuclear weapons policies to local and regional health and environmental impacts of the Livermore Lab.
Los Alamos Study Group
The Los Alamos Study Group, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, provides information about U.S. nuclear weapons programs, with a particular focus on its local facility, the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Its web site has excellent information on nuclear weapons policy, budget, and regional economic impact issues and on the environmental impacts of the Los Alamos laboratory.

UC Nuclear Free Campaign

The UC Nuclear Free campaign seeks to end the University of California’s involvement in the design, research, testing, and production of nuclear weapons. The UC has managed the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Livermore Lawrence National Laboratory since each lab’s inception; every nuclear weapon in the US arsenal was designed by a UC employee. The UC Nuclear Free campaign sees UC severance from the labs as a significant step toward our ultimate goals, which include nuclear abolition and the realization of a sustainable, peaceful, and just global society.
Nuclear Watch New Mexico
Santa Fe-based group working on New Mexico nuclear issues, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Sandia National Laboratories.
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
New Mexico citizens' group which focuses on the environmental impacts of the nuclear complex, including DOE weapons facilities and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
Nevada Test Site-related information and activities:

Shundahai Network

"An international network of activists and organizations bridging the gap between the environmental, peace and justice and indigenous land rights communities."
Nevada Desert Experience

Other Starting Points for Activism on Nuclear Weapons Issues

Abolition 2000

This is the main site and global contact for Abolition 2000, a network now including over 2000 groups in over 90 countries. It has recent developments, events, and a full listing of Abolition 2000 groups.
Proposition 1 Committee A-Z Web List
A very comprehensive web site list of anti-nuclear groups. The main Prop 1 site is a compendium of anti-nuclear activities, maintained by people who have had a continuous vigil across from the White House since 1981.
Peace Action
A national peace group with chapters around the country. Click the "Act Locally" link for chapters near you.
California Peace Action
American Friends Service Committee
A multi-program organization with offices around the country, AFSC places the nuclear weapons issue in a broader context of work for peace and social justice.
Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament
A non-partisan forum for parliamentarians and about parliamentary actions on nuclear disarmament issues.
Nuclear Weapons, Peace, and the Law

The International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms

Founded in 1988, and headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, has national chapters in countries around the world. IALANA was a central organization in the World Court Project, the global civil society campaign to obtain the advisory opinion on the legal status of nuclear weapons from the International Court of Justice.
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
LCNP publishes books, articles and discussion papers; provides key information to citizen groups, the media, U.S. officials, United Nations representatives and governments; and develops and promotes strategies for the strengthening and observance of international law relating to disarmament and security. This site includes a variety of materials and links bearing on the legality of nuclear weapons.
The International Court of Justice opinion on the legality of nuclear weapons
This site has links to the text of the 1996 ICJ opinion and related materials, including excerpts from arguments by individual states and subsequent United Nations resolutions referring to the opinion.
The Model Nuclear Weapons Convention (full text) 
The Model Nuclear Weapons Convention, a joint project of the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, the International Alliance of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, provides an example and framework for discussion of the path to elimination of nuclear arsenals. Also available, either on-line or in hard copy, at the IPPNW web site is Security and Survival, a book of commentary on the treaty with contributions by a variety of experts and activists.
United Nations Department of Disarmament Affairs Weapons of Mass Destruction Branch
This site has the text of both the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and many related documents, including those generated by Nonproliferation Treaty preparatory and review conferences and related U.N. General Assembly resolutions. There are links to material at related organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Organization. The site also includes similar materials for the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions.

Department of Disarmament Affairs main site
United Nations main site

Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization
This site has information on the current status of efforts to achieve entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. It includes documents and statements of governments from CTBT-related conferences, country by country signature and ratification status, resources on monitoring and verification, and more.
The Multilaterals Project
The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is an ongoing project at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University, to make available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments, from human rights and arms control to space, trade, and the environment. This site has the texts to a wide variety of international treaties, agreements, and other relevant legal materials.
International Atomic Energy Agency
This site includes documents concerning IAEA implementation of aspects of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). It includes the text of the Treaty, the IAEA statute, safeguards agreements, and IAEA reports on compliance.
Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) is an inter-governmental agency created by the Treaty of Tlatelolco to ensure that the obligations of the Treaty be met. OPANAL is responsible for convoking regular and special general conferences and consultation meetings related to the established purposes, means, and procedures of the Treaty. OPANAL also supervises the adherence to the Control System and the obligations stemming from the Treaty of Tlatelolco. This site provides information about nuclear weapons free zones around the world.
NGO Monitoring of Disarmament Issues in International Fora

Reaching Critical Will

A site sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, this site collects U.N. documents and provides commentary and analysis of nuclear weapons and disarmament issues at the U.N. in new York, including proceedings of the First Committee and Nonproliferation Treaty conferences.
The ACRONYM Institute
Acronym conducts research and publishes information on negotiations and verification of arms control, disarmament and related treaties and agreements. Their analysis is useful and timely (during major UN disarmament conferences, even daily). This page also includes a link to their journal, Disarmament Diplomacy.
NGO Committee on Disarmament
The NGO Committee on Disarmament provides assistance and coordination for nongovernmental activities on disarmament matter at the United Nations. This web site provides a good set of links both to United Nations and NGO disarmament resources.
Arms Control Today
Publication of the Arms Control Association. News and in-depth analysis on a variety of arms control issues. This site provides a full-text archive of Arms Control Today stretching back several years
Arms Control Reporter and the IDDS World Arms Database
Published by the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, this site provides extensive information, both historical and current, on the status of treaty regimes and arms control negotiations. The database provides information on the armaments of the world’s militaries.
Health and Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapons Research and Production

Alliance for Nuclear Accountability

This site has links to groups across the U.S. working both on nuclear weapons policy issues and on efforts to clean up nuclear weapons research and production sites, and to increase government accountability for the health and ecological impacts of the nuclear weapons complex.
The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Information and assistance for communities on the health and environmental impacts of nuclear materials, analysis of nuclear weapons programs and their impacts. IEER has been a leader in providing useable, understandable information about nuclear health and environmental issues to affected communities, and in training lay people to research and understand these issues for themselves. IEER also does policy analysis on a wide range of issues, from nuclear weapons to energy policy, and this site provides a many of their documents on-line.
Physicians for Social Responsibility
PSR long has been a leader in providing information on the health and environmental effects of nuclear war and nuclear weapons research and production. This site has information on PSR's current nuclear programs.
Physicians for Social Responsibility San Francisco Bay Area
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Advocacy group for residents living in the prevailing wind pattern surrounding the Nevada Test Site and who have suffered illnesses associated with fallout exposures. Since its founding it has expanded its activities to address other related issues, including nuclear waste transportation and disposal and compensation issues.
Ballistic Missile Defense And The Militarization of Space

Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

Organizing and information about the growing militarization of space, and particularly about U.S. plans to expand its military activities in space.
Archimedes Institute Space Law and Policy Library
An extensive set of on-line documents, ranging from treaties and UNGA resolutions to articles and U.S. government reports.

Archimedes Institute Aerospace links

Union of Concerned Scientists on Ballistic Missile Defense

Federation of American Scientists Military Space Page

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt Anti-missile defense international forum pages

An excellent selection of resources on missile defenses, pro and con, looking beyond U.S. programs to European missile defense programs and their long term impacts. Many articles in English. A few materials as well addressing missile defense issues in the Middle East. The “forum” section has a large selection of articles, many in English. See also the good selection of links.

Military Spending

Center for Defense Information

Up to date information and analysis on U.S. military programs, including good comparisons of U.S. military programs and spending to those of other nations.
Council for a Livable World
Information and analysis on U.S. military spending, including useful comparison on spending on other government programs.
National Priorities Project
This page features a variety of charts and reports on military spending and other national budget issues.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Military Expenditure and Arms Production Project
Extensive data on international arms production and expenditures.
Nuclear History

National Security Archive nuclear history section

On-line documents and information, and a guide to the National Security Archive's even more extensive publications and unpublished collections.
Trinity Atomic Web Site
"Nuclear Weapons: History, Technology, and Consequences in Historic Documents, Photos, and Videos."
Leo Szilard Online
Page on the scientist, the atomic bomb, and the decision to use it in WWII. Links to other relevant historical materials.
The Atomic Archive
Documents from the history of the U.S. nuclear weapons programs and related information.
The Avalon Project at Yale University
On-line primary source U.S. history and diplomatic history documents, including a number relevant to the history of atomic energy, nuclear weapons, and the Cold War.
General Peace links lists

Nonviolence Web links list

A comprehensive listing of links for peace organizations, magazines, and other resources, from local to international.
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
This site has extensive link lists of both peace and peace history web sites.
International Peace Bureau
Long-established international peace federation, with listings for its 210 members, with web links where available.
Nuclear Power

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

NIRS web links

Well-organized list with descriptions.
World Information Service on Energy (WISE)

Abolone Alliance

Science and Science Policy

The Loka Institute

Comprehensive site on the democratization of science and technology choice. Large and well-organized links list of related organizations and information.
AAAS Science and Policy Programs

National Academy of Sciences Press

American Physical Society Forum on Physics and Society

With physics and science policy links.

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Energy

The agency responsible for design and production of U.S. nuclear warheads (although this is not evident from their home page). For information on their nuclear weapons activities go to their "national security"page and the page for the semi-autonomous agency directly responsible for nuclear weapons research, testing, and production, the National Nuclear Security Agency.

DOE budget information

DOE on-line information tools

Links to a wide variety of DOE and DOE facility on-line information, including an extensive list of DOE on-line libraries.
DOE on-line databases
Databases on a variety of topics, including DOE declassified documents and environmental data. Many of the documents indexed in these databases are available on-line.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Library Nuclear Links
A nicely organized set of links on nuclear weapons and nuclear technology generally.
Albuquerque Operations office

Oakland Operations office

Nevada Operations Office

Nevada Test Site Environmental Review and other technical documents
Photo Library (including many nuclear testing photos)
Kansas City Operations Office

Nuclear Weapons Laboratories

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

LLNL Library, including On-Line Documents Search Page and Institutional Publications (including Site and Institutional Plans).
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Institutional Plans
Comprehensive Site Plan
Los Alamos Laboratory Library, including on-line catalogue.
Sandia National Laboratory
Institutional Plans
Comprehensive Plan
Library including On-Line Technical Reports Search Page.
University of California Weapons Laboratory Management

Other DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex Sites

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Pantex Nuclear Weapons Assembly and Disassembly Facility

DOE Environment, Safety, and Health

DOE Environment, Safety, and Health home page

DOE Central Internet Database on Waste Management and Cleanup

DOE National Environmental Policy Act web site

DOE NEPA regulations and actions, including full-text NEPA documents.

DOE environmental review documents, including many removed from DOE server (at Globalsecurity.org)
Other sites relevant to the health and environmental impacts of DOE activities

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Radiation Protection Program
National Governors Association Federal Facilities Task Force Nuclear Weapons Complex Long Term Stewardship Site
Maintained in cooperation with the Navada Division of Environmental Protection, this site has information and links on hazardous and radioactive waste and contamination at sites around the country, and on the positions of State governments concerning DOE efforts to clean up its facilities.
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Health tracking and research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors and descendants, partially funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Department of Defense and Military Sites (includes some link lists maintained by NGO's)


Department of Defense

Office of the Secretary of Defense
Includes Department of Defense Almanac, with summary information on military programs and budgets.

Department of Defense budget (detailed information) 

Department of Defense Contractors-- Rankings and Statistics

This site has rankings of contractors by total contract dollar awards, contract awards for each contractor by general procurement category, (e.g. "RDT&E"), and various other statistical information on Defense Department contractors stretching back several years.

DOD Research and Development Program Element Descriptive Summaries Search Page

Full text searchable Department of Defense research and development budget submissions by year, including detailed program descriptions.

Air Force budget

Air Force Legislative Liaison Office

The Air Force Office of Legislative Liaison provides a variety of useful on-line Congressional reference documents, including Congressional hearing schedules and summaries of legislative activity, listings of Congresspeople with information about Air Force bases in their districts, and other information relevant to moving the Air Force budget through Congress.
Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program
Extensive information about U.S. arms control treaties, and U.S. military views on compliance with those treaties. Includes a weekly treaty review publication.

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology

This page has links to some of the Department of Defense science and technology planning documents which remain public. The link to papers and testimony sometimes has useful current documents.

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Web Navigator

This page has links to a number of sites providing information on U.S. military research, testing, and evaluation programs.

Defense Acquisition Deskbook

Extensive information on military equipment and technology acquisition practices and regulations, as well as extensive links to organizations responsible for military technology acquisition and development.

National Defense Industrial Association Proceedings
Proceedings of conferences sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), an organization formed in March 1997 by the merger of the American Defense Preparedness Association and the National Security Industrial Association. Presentations on a wide range of military technology topics by military service and defense department officials. Often includes information otherwise difficult to find due to removal of information on military technology development from many government web sites.
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Doctrine Statements
Doctrine for Joint Theatre Nuclear Operations (pdf file) 
Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations (pdf file)
Military Education and Research Library Network
Search engine and list of U.S. military library links. These military libraries both have link lists for further research and in many instances document collections on-line.
This is a database search engine which covers a variety of technical reports from the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which are hard to find on the Internet by other means. See also the search engine at the Defense Technical Information Center for Department of Defense documents, including ordering information for documents not available on-line.
Defense Technical Information Center TopicLinks search page

RAND corporation on-line publications

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO On-line library

Nuclear Weapons and Counterproliferation

Air Force Counterproliferation Center

This web site provides an extensive, well-organized set of links on nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, ranging from U.S. government counter-proliferation programs to NGO sites.
Office of the Secretary of Defense Counterproliferation Web
Counterproliferation Web Links (with pre-set counterproliferation searches)
U.S. Strategic Command

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Formerly the Defense Special Weapons Agency and before that the Defense Nuclear Agency, the DTRA conducts programs on nuclear weapons and nuclear warfighting, techniques and technologies for targeting and defending against nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare, and coordinates similar programs in other agencies and military services.

Military Critical Technologies List

This page has extensive information on technologies considered by the U.S. government to be of potential use for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other high-tech weapons. It includes useful histories of the development of various weapons technologies, and summaries of national military technology capabilities.
Missile Defense and Space


This site has available some key government space documents, including the January 2001 Report of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization.

Missile Defense Agency

Budget information

BMDO congressional testimony and other major public statements

Air Force Space Command
Air Force Space Command Strategic Master Plan
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)
Information on U.S. military information technology programs, including a wide range of intelligence gathering efforts.

Military Space links

Includes links to organizations responsible for space-based intelligence gathering.

Military space industry news site.
Strategic and Military Intelligence pages
Well-organized, extensive link lists on intelligence, U.S. and foreign, including direct links to relevant legislation and documents.


General U.S. Government resources

Library of Congress "Explore the Internet" page

A very comprehensive and well organized starting point for U.S. government internet research (see section on U.S. Government Resources).
Library of Congress Congressional Megasites
Links to a variety of comprehensive sites providing documents, databases, and analysis related to the U.S. Congress.
Thomas U.S. Congress web page 
Everything from full-text bills and bill status to committee information.
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Arms Control
The White House

Government Printing Office (GPO Access)

Legislative, legal, and regulatory full-text materials on line, from the U.S. Code and the Code of Federal Regulations to the Congressional Record.
General Accounting Office


Gateway to statistics from over 100 Federal agencies, indexed or searchable a number of different ways.
Freedom of Information Act

U.S. Department of Justice

This site has a FOIA guide and other reference materials and a list of federal agency FOIA points of contacts and web sites.
Department of Defense
Includes links to FOIA web sites for DOD agencies and military services.
Department of Energy

Federation of American Scientists Government Secrecy Project

National Security Archive FOIA page

This site has links to the text of the Freedom of Information Act and amendments, provides a sample FOIA request and appeal letter, and has other useful information.


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