The effects of any budget/program decisions made since the information was collected during 1997-98 are NOT reflected in the National Security Space Road Map (NSSRM).

(U) Nuclear Detonation (NUDET) Detection System (NDS)

(U) The Nuclear Detonation (NUDET) Detection System (NDS) provides a worldwide, highly survivable capability to detect, locate, and report any nuclear detonations in the earth's atmosphere, near space, or deep space in near real-time. The NDS consists of space, control, and user equipment segments.

(U) The space segment consists of NUDET detection sensors on the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites. The control segment consists of ground control hardware and software known as the Integrated Correlation and Display System (ICADS). The user equipment segment consists of the Ground NDS Terminals (GNT).

(U) The NDS supports NUDET detection requirements for Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (ITWAA), United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Nuclear Force Management, and Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) Treaty Monitoring.

(U) The system detects, locates and reports endo- and exo-atmospheric NUDETs on a global basis in near real-time using X-ray, optical (Bhangmeter), and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) sensors integrated on operational GPS (24-satellite constellation) and DSP satellites. The Department of Energy (DOE) funds the X-ray and optical sensors and their satellite computer processors. DoD funds procurement of EMP sensors for the 21 GPS Block IIR satellites. DoD also funds development and integration of data link capabilities and integration of all NDS sensors on GPS Block IIR and Block IIF satellites.

(U) The Block II GPS/NDS system consist of optical, x-ray/dosimeter and electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) sensors. The optical sensor measures atmospheric event light signature and provides location and yield measurements. The EMP sensor measures atmospheric EMP phenomena and provides location accuracy and profile data. The Block IIF satellites will carry an enhanced optical sensor and will not carry EMP sensors.

(U) The DSP/NDS package consists of two sensor packages for the detection and location of endo- and exo-atmospheric nuclear detonations: the Advanced RADEC (Radiation Detection Capability) I and Advanced RADEC II. These packages consist of optical, x-ray, neutron, and gamma sensors to detect endo-atmospheric, near earth exo-atmospheric, and deep space exo-atmospheric nuclear events.

(U) NUDETs are reported via the fixed-site Integrated Correlation and Display Systems (ICADS) and mobile Ground NDS Terminals (GNTs). The system provides technical intelligence and treaty monitoring to a broad range of users: the NCA, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM), and the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC).

Related Initiatives (U):
DSP/NDSDefense Support Program(DSP)/Nuclear Detonation (NUDET) Detection System (NDS)
SBIRS High NUDET PackageSpace-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) High Nuclear Exo-atmospheric Detonation (NUDET) PACKAGE
USNDSUnited States Nuclear Detonation Detection System (USNDS)
This Table Is Unclassified.

Related Categories (U): None.

Road Map Placements (U):

This Table Is Unclassified.

Requirements, Funding and Additional Hotlinks (U):

(U) None.

Date Of Information (U):

(U) 01 February 1997


(U) For comments/suggestions contact: Office of the National Security Space Architect (NSSA), 571-432-1300.

(U) Road Map Production Date: 18 June 2001

The effects of any budget/program decisions made since the information was collected during 1997-98 are NOT reflected in the National Security Space Road Map (NSSRM).