-Description |
Overview (U):(U) Various modernization projects in the Range Segment of the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) will provide a distributed architecture to users from Satellite Operations Centers (SOCs) other than the current Onizuka Air Station and Schriever AFB (SAFB). The programmed projects include upgrading the 80286 microprocessors, replacing outdated antenna equipment and remoting the control of the range and communications equipment. |
(U) The Range Segment of the AFSCN consists of 8 worldwide Remote Tracking Stations (RTS) accomodating 20 common user antennas. These RTS's provide S-Band tracking, telemetry, commanding, and mission data retrieval services for all space vehicles supported by the AFSCN.
(U) Range upgrades will include the following projects:
- (U) 1. Implement a Control & Status (C&S) upgrade providing a distributed, multi-processor architecture. This upgrade will replace the saturated 80286 microprocessors and enable geographically dispersed SOCs to access any of the RTS's.
- (U) 2. Develop operational range monitoring capabilities. These need to be addressing requirements constrained by CONOPs in the centralized control, distributed execution era. The control capabilities will be governed by the AFSCN schedule from SAFB. The goal is to reduce operations and support costs for AFSPC.
- (U) 3. Begin replacement of the current AFSCN antennas. Current 1960's technology antennas are expensive to maintain. Modern designs are available off-the-shelf to provide increased performance, reduced interference (required by FCC allocation of adjacent frequencies to Commercial users), and multi-frequency alternatives.
- (U) 4. Development and implement the Staggered Quadrature Phase Shift Key (SQPSK) demodulation scheme. This requirement stems from the Space Based Infrared (SBIRS) program office and the National Programs. This upgrade is the beginning of the migration from the SGLS modulation scheme. SGLS was defined and implemented in the 1960's and is becoming outdated for a number of reasons.
(U) The planned Range Segment upgrades will enable the AFSCN to automate some Fault Detection/Fault Isolation functions. It will also provide growth to alternate frequencies, provide capability to handle increased TT&C data rates, replace the current C&S processor, and reduce sustainment and repair cost in the out-years. This upgrade will allow several geographically separated users to access the RTS's.
(U) Operational.
(U) None.
Name | Title |
Eastern Range | Eastern Range |
RSA Phase 1 | Range Standardization and Automation (RSA) Phase 1 |
RSA Phase 2A/B | Range Standardization and Automation (RSA) Phase 2A/B |
Western Range | Western Range |
Name | Title |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) |
Satellite Operations | Satellite Operations |
Name | Title |
National Security Space Road Map | Integrated System Road Map |
Name |
AFSCN News |
Air Force.
(U) DoD: USD (A&T) and OASD(C3I), Pentagon, Washington, DC
(U) Service Staff: SAF/AQS, Pentagon, Washington, DC
(U) Major Command: AFMC, Los Angeles AFB, CA
(U) Program Management: SMC/CW, Los Angeles AFB, CA
(U) Maj Ray Pry, SMC, Open Phone: None..
(U) 07 August 1998
(U) Road Map Production Date: 23 June 2001