The effects of any budget/program decisions made since the information was collected during 1997-98 are NOT reflected in the National Security Space Road Map (NSSRM).

(U) Army Terminal Upgrade and Replacement

-Road Map
-Text Version

Overview (U):

(U) The Army Terminal Upgrade and Replacement program is a Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) validated, Department of Defense (DoD) approved program designed to upgrade super-high frequency (SHF) heavy terminals (HT) and medium terminals (MT). The existing AN/FSC-78 and AN/FSC-79 heavy terminals, and the AN/GSC-39(V) medium terminals, are approaching their design life of 15 years, evident by their decreasing operational availability. The HT/MT modernization program is needed to extend the lives of the terminals an additional fifteen years while reducing O&M costs and providing many enhanced features.

Description (U):

(U) The Army Terminal Upgrade and Replacement program provides for the modification of in-service (MIS) equipment to upgrade the AN/FSC-78/79 Heavy Terminal (HT) and the AN/GSC-39 Medium Terminal (MT) satellite communications terminals. This program will provide all Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) strategic earth terminals with common electronics and logistics support. The terminal upgrade will extend the life of hte terminals for another fifteen years, improve the mean time between failure (MTBF), increase readiness, reduce traning and logistics support, conserve energy and improve maintainability.

(U) The AN/FSC-78 fixed-site terminal inlcudes a 60-foot antenna which provides up to 18 simultaneous transmit and 30 receive carriers for both voice and high data rate traffic.

(U) The AN/FSC-79 is a modified AN/FSC-78 used primarily by the Navy for transmissions only, since the terminal does not have a receiver. This terminal operates over FLSATCOM.

(U) The AN/GSC-39 has a 38-foot steerable antenna providing high quality intermodulation free SHF satellite communications. The terminal provides up to 18 transmit and 30 receive carriers.

User Impact (U):

(U) None.

Programmatics (U):

(U) Programmed.

Images (U):

AN/FSC-78 Heavy TerminalAN/FSC-78
This Table Is Unclassified.

Related Initiatives (U):
DISA STEPDefense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Standard Tactical Entry Point (STEP)
Lightwt Multi-band Sat TerminalLightweight Multi-band Satellite Terminal (LMST)
Single Channel Transponder SysSingle Channel Transponder System (SCTS)
STAR-TSHF Tri-Band Advanced Range-Extension Terminal (STAR-T)
Universal Modem System (UMS)Universal Modem System (UMS)
This Table Is Unclassified.

Related Requirements (U): None.

Related Categories (U):
SHF Ground Segment TerminalsSuper High Frequency (SHF) Ground Segment Terminals
This Table Is Unclassified.

Road Map Placements (U):

This Table Is Unclassified.

Requirements, Funding and Additional Hotlinks (U):

(U) None.

Lead Office (U):


Point of Contact (U):

(U) National Security Space Road Map Team, NSSA, Open Phone: (703) 808-6040, DSN 898-6040.

Date Of Information (U):

(U) 21 November 1997


(U) For comments/suggestions contact: Office of the National Security Space Architect (NSSA), 571-432-1300.

(U) Road Map Production Date: 23 June 2001

The effects of any budget/program decisions made since the information was collected during 1997-98 are NOT reflected in the National Security Space Road Map (NSSRM).