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Deadly Connections: Nuclear Disarmament, Nuclear Power, and Climate Change
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Climate Convergence Workshops
Deadly Connections: Challenging Nuclear Weapons,
Nuclear Power, and Climate Change
Sponsored by the Western States Legal Foundation, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, and the American Friends Service Committee, with support from the Jane Addams Peace Association
On September 20, 2014, Western States Legal Foundation and partner groups listed above presented a two part workshop at the Climate Convergence Conference in New York City, the day before over 300,000 people marched in the City demanding action to stop global warming. This page has video of both workshop sessions, presentation texts where available, and some additional related videos. Check back for additional presentation texts, which will be added as they are received.
Part 1: 9:00--10:30am Nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and the nuclear disarmament impasse Video--Part 1 complete
Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation; National Co-Convener, United for Peace and Justice Video
M.V. Ramana, Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University Video
Joseph Gerson, Disarmament Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee Video
Andrew Lichterman, Senior Research Analyst, Western States Legal Foundation Video Text
Moderator: Sophia Wolman, American Friends Service Committee
Part 2: 10:45am--12:15pm What to do when the national politics are locked up on the big issues: acting locally and globally to pressure the capitals Video--Part 2 complete
Tony DeBrum, Foreign Minister, Republic of the Marshall Islands Video
John Burroughs, Executive Director, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy; member of the international legal team representing the Marshall Islands in their historic World Court case holding the nuclear-armed states to account for non-compliance with their disarmament obligations Video Text
Frank Cownie, Mayor of DesMoines, Iowa; member of Mayors for Peace; Board Member, ICLEI USA (Local Governments for Sustainability USA) Video
Judith LeBlanc, Field Director, Peace Action Video
Moderator: Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation; National Co-Convener, United for Peace and Justice
Marshall Islands Foreign Minister Tony DeBrum also spoke at the Peace Hub rally at the climate change march; the Marshall Islands, a low-lying island nation vulnerable to sea level rise and the site of over a half century of nuclear weapons testing, are a place where the intersection of nuclear weapons and climate change issues is strongly visible. Video of his rally talk and an interview are at the links below:
Tony DeBrum peace hub rally talk
Tony DeBrum climate march interview
WSLF staff also played a role in organizing a United for Peace and Justice workshop at the Climate Convergence conference, with activists from a variety of UFPJ organizations reflecting on their experience of a decade of peace work in a multi-issue coalition, and what elements of that experience are useful for building the broad movement we need to make progress in slowing global warming. Video of that workshop, facilitated by WSLF executive director Jackie Cabasso, can be found at the link below.
UFPJ workshop, “Uniting Our Strategies to Stop War and Save the Planet”
WSLF published an information brief for distribution at the climate march and surrounding events, Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change in the Age of Corporate Globalization.
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