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An Invitation to Endorse, Support and Actively Participate in
A Year of Remembrance and Action for a Nuclear Weapons Free World

        2005 will mark the 60th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the founding of the United Nations. Urged on by the Hibakusha – the survivors of "hell on earth," the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have called for A Year of Remembrance and Action for a Nuclear Weapons Free World.

        In May, 2005 world leaders will converge at the United Nations in New York City for the 5-year Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to discuss the fate of a treaty in serious disarray, its disarmament obligations largely ignored by major nuclear weapon states. In preparation for the Review Conference, citizens of the world are mobilizing for a nuclear-weapon-free world, a call embodied in an unprecedented global grassroots campaign – Abolition Now! Dare to Plan!

        Spearheaded by Abolition 2000, a global network of over 2000 organizations in more than 90 countries working together for a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons, Abolition Now! is working in collaboration with Mayors for Peace Emergency Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons to create political will and commitment among individuals, citizen groups, community and civic leaders to work for concrete plans for a nuclear-weapon-free future through a process leading to the total abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020. We are enrolling mayors all around the world to call on heads of government to go to the NPT Review Conference in 2005 in order to demand that negotiations begin immediately for the total elimination of nuclear weapons under strict and effective international control. In May, a hundred-strong delegation of mayors with another hundred city officials will attend the 2005 NPT Review Conference. Representing nearly a half a billion people, they will speak on behalf of mayors from around the world who have signed a statement demanding the commencement of negotiations on the elimination of nuclear weapons.

        On May 1st, 2005, the day before the NPT Review Conference begins, Abolition Now! with the cooperation of United for Peace and Justice is planning a massive march and demonstration in New York City to demand full implementation of the NPT's nuclear disarmament obligation, and an end to nuclear excuses for war (e.g. Iraq). On August 6, 2005 there will be major coordinated actions at the Livermore nuclear weapons lab, the Nevada Test Site and the Y-12 nuclear production facility in Tennessee. These three facilities represent the core of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex, where the U.S. nuclear weapons policy is given concrete form.

We urge organizations and individuals to endorse, support and actively participate in these Year of Remembrance and Action for a Nuclear Weapons Free World activities:
Contact: Jackie Cabasso, U.S. Abolition Now! Coordinator
Western States Legal Foundation
1504 Franklin St. Suite 202,Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 839-5877
Contact: Monika Szymurska, Coordinator, Abolition 2000
215 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1001
New York , NY 10016
(212) 726-9161 x17
Some of our Major Goals: Stop the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons—underway in the U.S.; Demand that the U.S. Comply with international law and fulfill its obligations to end the nuclear arms race and negotiate the elimination of nuclear weapons, as required under the NPT; Strengthen strategic alliances between different sectors of the peace and justice movement regionally, nationally and internationally; Deepen our understanding of and commitment to nonviolence.

Some of our Main Messages: Honor the Hibakusha. Hiroshima-Nagasaki; Never Again!! Disarm and democratize! The U.S. continues to design and develop the ultimate weapons of terror. We must mobilize now, or risk the U.S. using nuclear weapons in one of its "wars on terror." The U.S. is the only nation that has used a nuclear weapon in war. Global disarmament starts at home; it is time to disarm America.

Livermore, California, Aug. 6, 2005:
"Seeds of Change;" sunflower logo. Sponsoring groups are asked to contribute $50 - $100. Initial co-sponsors include Livermore Conversion Project, Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment (CAREs), Western States Legal Foundation. Contact: Tara Dorabji, Tri-Valley CAREs: tara@trivalleycares.org; (925) 443-7148.

Los Alamos, New Mexico, Aug. 6, 2005: Los Alamos is the largest facility for weapons of mass destruction in the world in dollar terms. It was the design and assembly site for the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you want to visit here to help organize opposition to nuclear weapons, we'd like to talk to you. Unless we are besieged by applicants, we can provide housing, food, and companionship in a dedicated community of fellow activists and scholars to help make your stay enjoyable, productive, and educational. Event Sponsor: Los Alamos Study Group Contact: Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group, gmello@lasg.org, (505) 265-1200

Nevada Test Site: Aug. 4 – 8, 2005: August Desert Witness; retreat/conference in Las Vegas; Nevada Test Site witness/presence, Saturday, Aug. 6. Initial sponsors include: Nevada Desert Experience (NDE), Pax Christi USA, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Citizen Alert, Western States Legal Foundation. Contact: Amy Schultz, NDE: nde_youth@peacenet.org; (510) 849-1540; cell: (510) 501-3608.

Y-12 nuclear facility, Tennessee: Aug. 6, 2005: "Stop the Bombs!" Contact: Ralph Hutchison, Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance: orep@earthlink.net; 865-483-8202.

For more information about the international
Abolition Now Campaign, click here

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