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photo by James Lerager
Western States Legal Foundation (WSLF) is a non-profit, public interest organization founded in 1982, which monitors and analyzes U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies and related high technology energy and weapons programs, with a focus on the national nuclear weapons laboratories.
WSLF recognizes that nuclear weapons affect the environment,
the economy, the role of violence in society, and democracy itself. Rather
than enhancing our "national" security, nuclear weapons threaten our
fundamental human security. WSLF seeks to abolish nuclear weapons, compel
open public environmental review of nuclear technologies, and ensure
appropriate management of nuclear waste. Grounded in nonviolence and
rooted in both international and environmental law, the principle guiding
WSLF's activities is democratization of decision making affecting nuclear
weapons and related technologies.
- Research and
analysis on current U.S. nuclear weapons policies, ongoing nuclear weapons research, testing, and production activities, and their impacts on international security.
- Research and
analysis on other high technology weapons programs, such as ballistic
missile defense and efforts to further militarize outer space, which
threaten international stability and make the elimination of nuclear
arsenals more difficult to achieve.
- Assisting
communities affected by the health and environmental impacts of nuclear
weapons research and production and of other nuclear technologies.
WSLF is a founding member of the Abolition 2000 Global Network
to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. WSLF has been a member since 1989 of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability,
and is affiliated with the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, the International Peace Bureau, and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
Contact Information:
Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director
Western States Legal Foundation
655 13th Street, Suite 201
Preservation Park
Oakland, CA 94612 USA phone: (510) 839-5877
updated November 22, 2024
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 What's New
Today's Wars and the Nation-State Foundations of the Laws of Armed Conflict: Thoughts on Ways Forward in Work for Peace and Disarmament, Western States Legal Foundation Commentary by WSLF senior research analyst Andrew Lichterman, November, 2024
Nuclear Weapons and the U.S. Presidential Elections by WSLF Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso, Beyond Nuclear, September 29, 2024.
Webinar Recording: Ending the 'American War' in Vietnam: The Impact of the Antiwar Movement and Lessons for the Present, September 19, 2024.
BACK FROM THE BRINK: THE IMPERATIVE OF NUCLEAR ABOLITION! Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 8:30 am; Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
Disarmament Diplomacy Reset, Statement of the Coordinating Committee of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons to the 2024 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee Meeting, July 23, 2024.
Nuclear Coercion: Dangerous and Illegal, June 28, 2024. A joint statement of the Western States Legal Foundation, Peace Depot (Yokohama, Japan) and Basel Peace Office (Prague, Czech Republic), published by the Interpress Service News Agency.
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts New Mayors for Peace Resolution, “The Imperative of Dialogue in a Time of Acute Nuclear Dangers,” June 23, 2024.
Mayors for Peace Campaign Tool Kit June 2024 Update
WSLF in the News
A Nuclear-Armed European Union? A Proposal Under Fire, June 7, 2024
A Russian Veto Threatens to Trigger a Nuclear Arms Race in Outer Space, May 7, 2024
WSLF at the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Meeting of States Parties, November 2023
WSLF in the News
Nuclear Deterrence: An Unproven Gamble that Risks Humanity, December 3, 2023
Nuclear Tensions Loom Over War Zones, November 9, 2023
Resources on the Gaza Crisis and the Ukraine War
International Lawyers Statement on Illegality of Cluster Munitions Use and Transfer, August 18, 2023
Nuclear Weapons Convention Reset Working Paper presented to the 2023 NPT Preparatory Commmittee Meeting, August 2, 2023
Dismantle the Doomsday Machine: Abolish Nuclear Weapons at the Livermore Lab & Globally! Friday, August 4, 2023--Silent Vigil at 9 am
Oppenheimer-- A discussion with WSLF board member John Burroughs, KPFA Sunday Show, July 30, 2023
Comments of the Western States Legal Foundation in Opposition to the Proposed Operating Life Extension of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts New Resolution "Calling for Urgent Action to Avoid Nuclear War, Resolve the Ukraine Conflict, Lower Tensions with China, and Redirect Military Spending to Meet Human Needs, June 5, 2023."
Vandenberg Space Force Base: Testing New Weapons and Coordinating Wars, Western States Legal Foundation Information Brief, Spring 2023
Nuclear Weapons and Nationalism: An Incendiary Mix, by senior research analyst Andrew Lichterman, IDN-In Depth News, January 26, 2023.
The Dismal State of Nuclear Disarmament,Viewpoint by WSLF Executive Director Jackie Cabasso, IDN-In Depth News, December 26, 2022.
A Divided Opposition: The Ukraine War and the Critique of Geopolitical Reason
A working paper for a future peace movement, November 2022
Biden's Nuclear Posture Review (NPR): “Pouring Gas on the Fire” Comments by and interviews with Western States Legal Foundation's Executive Director, Jackie Cabasso, following the October 30, 2022 public release of the NPR
The Ukraine War and Nuclear Dangers: Webinar, October 27, 2022
“Where We Are Going: Nuclear Arms, Treaties and Defense Spending” Panel discussion featuring Western States Legal Foundation Executive Director, Jackie Cabasso, recorded live October 11, 2022, during the Which Way the Wind Festival in Eureka, California
A Four-Week Festival of Double Standards; Hypocrisy & Outright Lying by Nuclear-armed States, Op Ed by WSLF Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso
Comments of the Western States Legal Foundation in Opposition to the Proposed Operating Life Extension of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, August 19, 2022
Making the Unthinkable Impossible! Virtual Rally at Livermore Lab Aug. 6 and 9. Join Western States Legal Foundation and allies for a virtual rally commemorating the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with Daniel Ellsberg and Oleg Bodrov from Russia.
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Sweeping Resolution Calling for a Negotiated End to the War in Ukraine, Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, and Redirection of Federal Spending Priorities: "Forging a Path to Peace and Common Security"
The Peace Movement and the Ukraine War: Where to Now?
Western States Legal Foundation Commentary by Andrew Lichterman, senior research analyst, March 4, 2022
Ukraine Crisis Resources February 2022
February 25, 2022, Joint Statement from Civil Society to the States Parties of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Sept. 1, 2021: United States Conference of Mayors adopts bold new resolution Calling on the United States to Welcome the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [TPNW] and to Act Now to Prevent Nuclear War and Eliminate Nuclear Weapons.
Updated invitation for August 9 virtual rally at Livemore Lab
Media advisory: Hybrid Live/Virtual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Rally and March at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab August 6 and 9, 2021: Recording now available
Nuclear Weapons & Climate Change: Shine a Light, Stop the Hate, Lower the Heat, Friday August. 6 and Monday August 9, virtually, at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
For Nuclear Disarmament, the Long Run Is Here. Op-ed by WSLF senior research analyst Andrew Lichterman, Common Dreams, July 6, 2021
Nuclear Weapons Have Always Been Illegal; It's Long Past Time to Abolish Them, Op-ed by WSLF Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso, In Depth News, July 5, 2021.
The U.S. vs. China: A Capitalist Globalization Divided but not Transformed? by Andrew Lichterman, senior research analyst, Western States Legal Foundation. Text of a presentation at the Asia Pacific Working Group webinar, "The U.S.-China competition and its impact on the people caught in the middle," June 9, 2021.
The Enduring Nuclear Threat; A Deeper Look, Webinar, March 30, 2021
Reckless Spending to Increase Nuclear Danger? Webinar, March 17, 2021
The International Nuclear Disarmament Agenda: Civil Society Perspectives from Seven Key States, February 23, 2021
How does the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons stand up legally? Discussion of nuclear ban treaty with WSLF Board member John Burrough, Senior Analyst with Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, and historian Peter Kuznick of American University, January 16, 2021.
Other Voices Online: Joe Biden and Nuclear Weapons A conversation with Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, January 14, 2021.
Humanitarian Law, Human Rights, and Nuclear Weapons: Social Movements and the Path of Legal Development January 2021
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nuclear Weapons Policy, and the Right to Life
Abolition 2000 Youth Working Group launch of Youth Fusion Campaign, December 10, 2020
Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Virtual Conference, November 12, 2020
Statement of Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy and Western States Legal Foundation on the Imminent Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, October 24, 2020
"75 Years After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Quest for Nuclear Disarmament; Where Do Things Stand?" Remarks by Jacqueline Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation to the Democratic 21st Century Club of Santa Clara County, October 9, 2020
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, September 26, 2020
"Tackling Twin Calamities: Policy, Activism, and Art to Combat Climate Change and Nuclear Weapons," webinar featuring WSLF Board member Phoenix Armenta, August 28, 2020
“Nagasaki 75 Years Ago”, August 9, 2020, Philip Muldari interviews Western States Legal Foundation's Jacqueline Cabasso on the Sunday Show
From Hiroshima to a Healthy Tomorrow: Embracing Our Common Humanity, August 6, 2020 virtual protest and rally at the gates of the Livermore Lab; August 6 and 9 nationally coordinated programming
Mayors for Peace message video: No More Hiroshima! No More Nagasaki! August 2020
June 30, 2020,: United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) Executive Committee adopts a sweeping resolution Calling for Human-Centered Security in a Time of Global Pandemic.Calling for Human-Centered Security in a Time of Global Pandemic.
Russian Nuclear Weapons Policy and the Right to Life, List of Issues Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee During its Periodic Review of the Russian Federation, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy and Western States Legal Foundation, June 1, 2020
Absolutely Unacceptable: Resumed Nuclear Explosive Testing Statement of the Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting, May 23, 2020
The Pandemic and after: prospects for peace and disarmament, a view from the United States, Presentation for the Abolition 2000 2020 Annual General Meeting, May 23, 2020, via Zoom. by Andrew Lichterman, Western States Legal Foundation.
Joint Statement from Civil Society to the States Parties of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, May 11, 2020
Some thoughts on the military budget in light of the pandemic March 28, 2020, by Andrew Lichterman, Western States Legal Foundation
US Nuclear Weapons Policy Violates the Right to Life, Submission to the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review by LCNP, Western States Legal Foundation, and Swiss Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament, March 26, 2020
Survival and soil: Why nuclear weapons still matter, Panel presentation at the Soil Not Oil Conference, San Francisco, California, September 9, 2019
The New Nuclear Arms Race and Movements for a Fair and Democratic Society in Balance with the Planet
Western States Legal Foundation Commentary, Summer 2019
You're Invited to Livermore Lab on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2019
US Conference of Mayors Calls on All Presidential Candidates to Make Known Their Positions on Nuclear Weapons and to Pledge U.S. Global Leadership in Preventing Nuclear War, Returning to Diplomacy, and Negotiating the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Social Movements, NGOs, and Disarmament Presentation by WSLF senior research analyst Andrew Lichterman at an NGO side event on Social Movements and Disarmament Work in a Time of Economic and Ecological Crisis during the 2019 PrepCom for the 2020 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, May 6, 2019
Making connections: finding common cause among movements for peace, justice, democracy, and an ecologically sustainable society Presentation by WSLF senior research analyst Andrew Lichterman at a conference on Growing Nuclear Risks in a Changing World: New Thinking & Movement Building, New York City, May 4, 2019.
Creating the Conditions for International Peace and Human Security Statement of the Western States Legal Foundation to the Third session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, May 1, 2019.
Humanitarian Law, Human Rights, and Nuclear Weapons: Social Movements and the Path of Legal Development
Presentation by WSLF Senior Research Analyst Andrew Lichterman at an NGO side event on Human Rights, Democracy, and Nuclear Weapons at the 2019 PrepCom for the 2020 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, May 1, 2019.
The resurgence of arms racing and the collapse of nuclear arms control: time once again to protest and survive, Presentation at Green College, University of British Columbia, March 18, 2019 (video)
"It's Not Enough to Declare 'No First Use'" Op ed by WSLF Senior Research Analyst Andrew Lichterman, Truthout, February 19, 2019.
"As Treaties Collapse, Can We Still Prevent a Nuclear Arms Race?" Op ed by WSLF Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso Christine Muttonen, Jacqueline Cabasso & Alyn Ware, Interpress News Service, February 4, 2019.
International Webinar to Preserve the INF Treaty
Op Ed, "Renew Nuclear Arms Control, Don't Destroy It," by Andrew Lichterman and John Burroughs, Inter-Press News Agency, January 2, 2019
Western States Legal Foundation December 2018 Donor Appeal
The Evolving Situation on the Korean Peninsula: Time for a Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone? \Address to a Seminar for Citizens in Japan, South Korea and the U.S., Meiji Gakuin University, Shirogane Campus, Tokyo, Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, November 19, 2018
The 6th Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Statement to the Opening Session Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, November 16, 2018
Workshop talk, "Our Divided World: The Quest for Nuclear Disarmament and the Growing Dangers of Wars Among Nuclear-Armed States," Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, November 18, 2018
The Quest for Nuclear Disarmament: Strengthening and Expanding the International Network of Grassroots Movements address by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, OSAKA Municipal Lifelong Learning Center – UMEDA, 15 November 2018
Creating the Conditions for International Peace and Human Security Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, presentation to the First Committee, United Nations General Assembly, October 17, 2018
Rethinking the Military-Industrial Complex Western States Legal Foundation working paper 2018, by Andrew Lichterman.
Join the No Nukes! No Wars! No Warming! contingent in the September 8 Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice March in San Francisco.
For more information click here
Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change in the Age of Corporate Globalization
Western States Legal Foundation's Summer 2018 Appeal
On Eve of Korea Summit, US Conference of Mayors Urges President Trump to "Patiently and Diligently Work with North and South Korea for a Formal Resolution of the Korean War and Normalized Relations with a Denuclearized Korean Peninsula."
Risk Without Representation: Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
Presentation of the Western States Legal Foundation to the 2018 Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2020 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference.
War or Peace in Korea? A Public Forum with Christine Hong, Michael Klare, and Andrew Lichterman
Friday April 6th, 7:30 p.m.
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Avenue at MLK, Berkeley
US-Russia Nuclear Arms Racing: Still Crazy After All These Years
Special Event: 51st anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco - A road towards peace
Video: Bonkers! Trump's New Nuke Policy, A conversation with Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation.
Olympic Closing Ceremony Watch Party
Peace Groups Call for Extension of the Olympic Truce
Sunday, February 25: 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Café Valparaiso
1403 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA
2018 Nuclear Posture Review
From Nobel to Nobel: December 10th - Celebrate the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and Western States Legal Foundation's 35th anniversary!
Commentary: Donald Trump, Destroyer of Worlds
Video: WSLF Executive Director Jackie Cabasso's presentation at the Divest From the War Machine Summit, Oct. 21, 2017
Radio Interview with WSLF Executive Director Jackie Cabasso, October 16, 2017
Western States Legal Foundation Congratulates ICAN on Nobel Peace Prize
Threats of Total Destruction Are Unlawful and Extremely Dangerous; Direct Diplomacy between the United States and North Korea Is Essential to Avert Disaster
Video, WSLF Senior Research Analyst Andrew Lichterman and Helen Jaccard of the Golden Rule project speak at the Veterans for Peace Convention, Chicago, August 2017, Plenary on the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
As the US Threatened North Korea, 122 Countries Voted to Ban Nuclear Weapons,
Truthout Op-Ed, Sunday, July 16, 2017 By Andrew Lichterman, WSLF Senior Research Analyst
U.S. Conference of Mayors Unanimously Adopts Mayors for Peace Resolution "Calling on President Trump to Lower Nuclear Tensions, Prioritize Diplomacy,
and Redirect Nuclear Weapons Spending to meet Human Needs and Address Environmental Challenges"
Peace and Planet Conference in NYC: No Nukes, No Wars, No Walls, No Warming,
Brooklyn, New York, June 18, 2017. Conference video now available.
Women's March to Ban the Bomb, New York City, June 17, 2017
Video, address by WSLF Executive Director Jackie Cabasso on Remembering Past Wars, at the San Francisco Public Library, May 25, 2017
The Nuclear Dilemma Today: Avoiding Catastrophe in a World of Eroding Norms Presentation of the Western States Legal Foundation to the 2017 Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, by Andrew Lichterman, Vienna, May 3, 2017.
Defend the Unequivocal Undertaking to Eliminate Nuclear Arsenals, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms Presentation of the International Association Of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms to the 2017 Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, delivered by Jacqueline Cabasso, Vienna, May 3, 2017.
Nuclear Double Standards: All Nuclear Weapon Tests Send the Same Message Buzzflash.com, April 26, 2017, by Andrew Lichterman, WSLF senior research analyst.
Growing Nuclear Dangers: What Would Dr. King Say? By Jacqueline Cabasso, Truthout,April 20, 2017
IALANA Discussion Paper: Selected Elements of a Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons
Message Delivered to Foreign Ministers of the Latin American and Caribbean States assembled February 14, 2017 in Mexico City to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco
Publication: The Fierce Urgency of Nuclear Zero
Video: Trump and the Bomb, A conversation with Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, February 8, 2017.
Remarks by Mayor T.M. Franklin Cownie of Des Moines, Iowa, lead US city for Mayors for Peace, to the International Affairs Standing Committee at the 85th Winter Meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors Washington, DC, January 18, 2017
"A circle that can't be squared: Broad-spectrum arms racing and nuclear disarmament," book chapter in new UN publication.
Disarm Now: We Stand with Nuclear Survivors for Global Justice: Rally and Nonviolent Direct Action at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab on Tuesday, August 9, the 71st anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki..
U.S. Conference of Mayors Unanimously Adopts Resolution "Calling on the Next U.S. President to Pursue Diplomacy with Other Nuclear-Armed States; Participate in Negotiations for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons; Cut Nuclear Weapons Spending and Redirect Funds to Meet the Needs of Cities"
Martin Luther King Memorial Community Reading: Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence Tuesday, April 5, Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza, Oakland, California
Letter to President Obama calling for a moratorium on testing of hypersonic precision weapons
Northern California Climate Mobilization, Oakland, California, Saturday November 21, 2015
Disarmament, the Sustainable Development Goals, and Power
Presentation by Andrew Lichterman, United Nations 70th Anniversary event, San Francisco, October 25, 2015
The Challenge of Disarmament: Still Nonviolence or Nonexistence
Presentation of the Western States Legal Foundation to the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, October 16, 2015
WSLF’s Andrew Lichterman to receive Peace Advocate of the Year Award, Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center, Walnut Creek, CA, 6 pm Saturday October 24, 2015
The Golden Rule Meets SF Fleet Week: Sailing for a Nuclear Free World! Wednesday, October 7, 7pm, Veterans' Building, San Francisco
Apology to a Whale: Words to Mend a World, Book Launch Benefit for WSLF, Berkeley, CA, Saturday, October 10, 2015
70 Years of Nuclear Weapons:At What Cost?
August 6 Hiroshima Action at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
Who Has the Bomb?
Philip MuIdari interviews WSLF Executive Director about the Iran nuclear agreement.
Nuclear Affairs: What in the World is Happening? WSLF event at Cafe Valparaiso, Albany, Thursday July 23, 2015.
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Resolution "Calling for Effective Implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Disarmament Obligation and Redirection of Nuclear Weapons Spending to Meet the Needs of Cities"
Automated warfare, weapons modernization, and nuclear war risk, Andrew Lichterman, presentation at NPT Review Conference NGO side event, April 28, 2015
Western States Legal Foundation Statement to the 2015 NPT Review Conference
Statement to the 2015 NPT Review Conference on behalf of the Peace and Planet Mobilization for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World
Peace and Planet Mobilization, New York City, April 24-26, 2015
Peace and Planet Mobilization Op Ed, MLK's Call to Honor Peace, Justice and Our Planet Still Challenges Us.
Ukraine: Time to Step Back from the Brink, Western States Legal Foundation Commentary, February 2015
Press conference: No New AUMF-- End Endless War!
Disarmament: Missing in Action, Western States Legal Foundation Commentary, Spring 2015
Nuclear Free California meets to discuss strategies to shut down Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
WSLF Fall/Winter 2014 Newsletter
Climate Convergence workshop, "Deadly Connections: Challenging Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Power, and Climate Change" Video and other materials now available
The Nuclear University and U.S. Power in the Pacific: Time for a New Free Speech Movement? Video of workshop now available
Nongovernmental Organization Statement to the First Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations: Nuclear Weapons and the International Security Context, October 28, 2014
Call for Spring 2015 Mobilization at the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review
The Nuclear Threat, Yesterday and Today: A Workshop on Nuclear Weapons
Friday, September 26, 2014, 6:00-8:30pm
Climate Convergence Workshop
Deadly Connections: Challenging Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Power, and Climate Change
Saturday, September 20, 2014
St. John's University 51 Astor Place Room 107, New York City
Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change in the Age of Corporate Globalization, WSLF Information Brief, Fall 2014.
Media Advisory: "Failure to Disarm: Holding Our Government Accountable" August 6 Hiroshima Commemoration, Protest & Nonviolent Direct Action at Livermore Lab Highlights Courageous "Nuclear Zero" Lawsuits Brought by the Marshall Islands
Hiroshima Action August 6 at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Bold New Resolution Calling for Constructive Good
Faith U.S. Participation in International Nuclear Disarmament Forums
Dinner—Music–Information at Café Valparaiso-- WSLF benefit and updateCafé Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave, Albany, June 26, 6pm.
Facing the Dangers of 21st Century Great Power War: A Conference on the Centenary of World War I
Looking forward, looking backward: World War I, today's risk of great power war, and nuclear disarmament, address by Andrew Lichterman at Facing the Dangers of Great Power War conference
Open Letter calling on President Obama to move from talk to action on nuclear disarmament
Global Day of Action Against Military Spending Activities
WSLF Ukraine resources
Report from the 5th Nagasaki Global Citizen's Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons November 2--4, 2013.
Urban Shield and the Militarization of the Civilian State, Western States Legal Foundation Information Brief, October 2013
Film screening of the Ultimate Wish: Ending The Nuclear Age and panel discussion, New York City, September 26. With WSLF Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso.
The Rush to Bomb Syria: Undermining International Law and Risking Wider War, Western States Legal Foundation Briefing Paper, September 2013.
WSLF 30th Anniversary Summer Newsletter and Appeal
Photos now available from our 30th Anniversary celebration!
Hiroshima Action August 6 to Protest Nuclear Weapons at Livermore Lab: Daniel Ellsberg to Speak at Rally; March and Nonviolent Direct Action to Follow
Mayors for Peace 2013 Action Kit
The role of science and technology in driving nuclear weapons modernization: a reappraisal, Andrew Lichterman, address at NPT PrepComm NGO side event, April 2013
Issue Update: Subcritical Tests, Western States Legal Foundation, Fall 2012.
Nonviolence or nonexistence, democracy or nonexistence, Andrew Lichterman, address to Hiroshima remembrance gathering, August 5, across the street from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
Publications and Presentations
The Rush to Bomb Syria: Undermining International Law and Risking Wider War, Western States Legal Foundation Briefing Paper, September 2013.
The role of science and technology in driving nuclear weapons modernization: a reappraisal, April 2013
Nonviolence or nonexistence, democracy or nonexistence, Andrew Lichterman, address to Hiroshima remembrance gathering, August 5, across the street from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
Atoms for Peace,Then and Now, Western States Legal Foundation Commentary, Summer 2012.
The Bechtel Corporation: San Francisco's Engineers of Empire, Western States Legal Foundation Nuclear Connections series, Summer 2012
There's Nothing Good About Nuclear Power, Address, Jacqueline Cabasso, Berkeley Rally for a Nuclear-Free California, June 19, 2012
Rhetoric vs. Reality: Nuclear Dangers in a Time of Growing Global Economic and Environmental Crisis, Western States Legal Foundation Information Bulletin, Spring 2012.
New report on nuclear weapons modernization world wide
Vandenberg Air Force Base: Where the Present and Future of U.S. Warmaking Come Together Western States Legal Foundation Information Brief, Spring 2012
Nuclear Connections: Weapons and Power in the Age of Corporate Globalization, Western States Legal Foundation Information Brief, Fall 2011
Nuclear Weapons at What Cost?, Western States Legal Foundation Information Brief, Spring 2011
START: One Small Step for Arms Control, One Giant Leap Backward for Disarmament? WSLF Commentary, Winter 2011
"Nuclear Disarmament, Civil Society, and Democracy,"Disarmament Forum, 2010 No.4
The START Treaty and Disarmament: a Dilemma in Search of a Debate WSLF Commentary, December 2010
NPT 2010: Rhetoric vs. Reality WSLF Information Bulletin May 2010
Civil Society, Disarmament and the Need for New BeginningsCommentary in Disarmament Times, April 2010
Book: Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament, April 2010
NPT 2010: Putting President Obama's Disarmament Rhetoric to the Test By Executive Director Jacqueline Cabasso, Peace Culture Newsletter No. 64 , April 2010
NPT 2010: Rhetoric vs. Reality, Address by Executive Director Jackie Cabasso, Brasilia, February 2010
More publications...
WSLF in the news
What's Next for the Nuclear Disarmament Movement? Lawrence Wittner, Yes! Magazine (Blog),
June 14, 2010
Other Voices TV
Executive Director Jackie Cabasso discusses her experiences at the recent UN conference on nuclear weapons. June 1, 2010
U.N. Nuke Meet Ends with Good Intentions and Empty Promises,
Inter Press Service, May 29, 2010
International News Net World Report
New START pact between Russia and the USA
Round Table discussion with Jacqueline Cabasso and William Hartung
May 26, 2010
Some Activists Losing Faith in Obama Nuclear Weapons Agenda
Friday, May 7, 2010
By Elaine M. Grossman
Global Security Newswire
If You Love This Planet: A Weekly Radio Program with Dr. Helen Caldicott
Jacqueline Cabasso with the latest on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation efforts
Recorded May 6, 2010
U.S. plans major increase in nuclear budget
By Yumi Kanazaki, Staff Writer
Chugoku Shimbun, Hiroshima
March 8, 2010 (posted online March 12, 2010)
WSLF board member Andrew Lichterman on KPFA Radio's Against the Grain, February 3, noon.
Press Releases U.S. Conference of Mayors unanimously adopts resolution "Calling for U.S. Leadership in Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and Redirection of Military Spending to Domestic Needs"
Off-site commentary by WSLF staff and volunteers
See Disarmamentactivist.org
Most recent pages added:
Military Spending: Researching Impacts on your Campus or Community
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Doctrine Page
Civil Liberties and Government Secrecy Page
Iraq Resources Page
War and Law page