-Description |
Overview (U):(U) The TROJAN SPIRIT provides JTF, Army and Marine tactical commanders with high capacity near real time access to intelligence from Trojan Classic sites, national agencies, and other tactically deployed units using UHF and tactical SATCOM terminals. It also provides interim SATCOM capability during contingency and exercise deployments, and it extends the reach of Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications Systems (JWICS) and DoD secure networks. The last of the 38 Army systems were fielded in February 1997. |
(U) TROJAN SPIRIT provides joint task force (JTF), Army and Marine Corps tactical commanders with high capacity, near-real time access to intelligence from TROJAN Classic sites, national agencies, and other tactically deployed collectors/units using UHF and tactical SATCOM terminals. TROJAN SPIRIT provides interim, non-developmental item (NDI) SATCOM capability during contingency/exercise deployments until fielding of SHF Tri-band Advanced Range Extension Terminal (STAR-T). TROJAN SPIRIT extends the reach of the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) (Defense Secure Network (DSNET-3)) and Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET/DSNET-1), thus providing forward deployed commanders with direct access to national level intelligence products and databases. TROJAN SPIRIT is capable of hosting the JDISS software, All Source Analysis System-Warrior/Warlord (ASAS-W/WL), Intelligence Analysis System (IAS) and the Joint Maritime Command Information System (JMCIS). TROJAN SPIRIT disseminates intelligence products, databases, and imagery from national and theater level to deployed Army and Marine tactical units over commercial and military satellite (MILSAT) communications.
(U) The 6.1 m antenna will provide a tri-band high data rate capability up to 20 Mbps depending on the frequency. TROJAN SPIRIT will operate with INTELSAT, PANAMSAT, GSTAR, DOMSAT, and DSCS. The TROJAN SPIRIT II system has a total weight of 42,000 lbs and is towable by the HMMWV Heavy Variant (HHV) w/out shelter or the M-113 Enhance Capability Vehicle (ECV). This mobility provides the tactical mobility required to support command posts at armored cavalry regiment (ACR), division, and corps.
(U) TROJAN SPIRIT complements and extends JWICS/DSNET-3 and SIPRNET/DSNET-1 to tactical users and provides direct interface with tactical area communications to enhance horizontal and vertical dissemination among tactical units and service components. Extends Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) and Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ground stations to disseminate imagery to the JTF commander, national consumers, and high-level decision makers.
(U) The Army is the lead Service in the development and production of TROJAN SPIRITs. The Marines will take delivery of the TROJAN SPIRIT IIs from the Army's production line.
(U) To be supplied.
(U) Operational.
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Name | Title |
Leased Services | Leased Services |
Name | Title |
(U) None.
(U) DoD: OASD(C3I), Pentagon, Washington, DC
(U) Service Staff: HQDA, DCSINT (DAMI-POS); HQDA, DCSOPS (DAMO-FDI); HQDA, DISC4 (SAIS-C4X), Pentagon, Washington, DC
(U) Major Command: CECOM, Ft. Monmouth, NJ
(U) Program Management:
(U) TROJAN System Integration and Fielding Office (SFIO), of the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Research Development Electronics Center (RDEC) Intelligence and electronic Warfare Directorate (IEWD) Warrenton, VA
(U) TROJAN Management Office(TMO) HQ INSCOM (DCSOPOS), Ft. Belvoir, VA
(U) National Security Space Road Map Team, NSSA, Open Phone: (703) 808-6040, DSN 898-6040.
(U) 01 October 1997
(U) Road Map Production Date: 23 June 2001