www.mayorsforpeace.org www.2020visioncampaign.org
The US Conference of Mayors unanimously adopted a bold new Mayors for Peace resolution Calling for US Leadership in Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Redirection of Military Spending to Domestic Needs on June 24th at their annual meeting in Las Vegas.
The resolution can be viewed and downloaded at wslfweb.org/docs/uscmres2013.PDF, (official version at www.usmayors.org/resolutions/81st_Conference/international02.asp) Mayors are well placed to understand the impacts of grotesquely bloated military spending on human needs and on the public services we all depend on. This powerful statement calling for new priorities provides us with a wonderful opportunity to get that message heard! Let's run with it!!
- Urge your mayor to sign on to the resolution; have her/him contact Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace North American Coordinator at Jackie@2020visioncampaign.org
- Find out if your mayor is a member of Mayors for Peace at www.mayorsforpeace.org/english/membercity/northamerica/united_states_of_america.html. If s/he is not a member, please invite her/him to join. Information on how to join is at www.mayorsforpeace.org/english/outlines/join.html.
- Ask your City Council to adopt a resolution endorsing the US Conference of Mayors resolution "Calling for US Leadership in Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Redirection of Military Spending to Domestic Needs." A customizable model resolution is available at wslfweb.org/docs/ModelCityCouncilresolution.doc (Word)
Please let Jackie know if resolutions are adopted.
- Take copies of the resolution to meetings with members of Congress or their staff; include it in correspondence with members of Congress.
- Refer to and quote from the resolution in op-eds and letters to the editor.
- Highlight the resolution in connection with Hiroshima-Nagasaki commemorations in early August. See www.nuclearfreefuture.org
Special offer for Mayors! The National Priorities Project (NPP), in cooperation with Mayors for Peace, is offering its assistance to Mayors in their efforts to track, understand, and engage in advocacy around the local impact of federal spending. NPP's research team is available to Mayors on a pro bono basis to fulfill information requests, issue customized reports, engage in virtual or on-site trainings, etc. For more information, see http://wslfweb.org/docs/NPPUSCM.pdf. Please print out this one page special offer and take it with you when you meet with your Mayor.
questions? Need help? Contact Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace
North American Coordinator; Executive Director, Western States Legal
Convener, UFPJ Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security Working Group
(510) 839-5877
Mayors for Peace, an international organization, founded in 1982 and led by the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is working through its 2020 Vision Campaign for the global elimination of nuclear weapons by 2020. Mayors for Peace membership has grown by more than ten fold since 2003, as of June 1, 2013 counting 5,645 cities in 156 countries and regions, with nearly 200 U.S. members in all, representing some one billion people.