www.mayorsforpeace.org                 www.2020visioncampaign.org

GDAMS Mayoral Proclamation and Mayors for Peace Tool Kit

Ask your mayor to issue a Proclamation declaring April 14 and 15, 2014 as Global Days of Action Against Military Spending

A model Proclamation, in Word format, is at www.wslfweb.org/docs/GDAMSproclamation.doc A sample letter to your mayor, in Word format, is at www.wslfweb.org/docs/GDAMSletter.doc.

The GDAMS Proclamation cites a bold resolution, Calling for US Leadership in Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Redirection of Military Spending to Domestic Needs, unanimously adopted by the US Conference of Mayors (USCM) at its June 2013 Annual Meeting. The USCM is the bi-partisan national association of cities with populations over 30,000. The resolution was sponsored by members of Mayors for Peace. The USCM resolution, with a list of co-sponsors, can be viewed and downloaded at wslfweb.org/docs/uscmres2013.PDF, (official version at www.usmayors.org/resolutions/81st_Conference/international02.asp)

Your mayor doesn't have to be a member of Mayors for Peace to issue a GDAMS Proclamation, but if s/he isn't yet a member, please use this occasion to invite her/him to join. Find out if your mayor is a member of Mayors for Peace at www.mayorsforpeace.org/english/membercity/map.html. Information about how to join is at www.mayorsforpeace.org/english/outlines/join.html.
Mayors are well placed to understand the impacts of grotesquely bloated military spending on human needs and on the public services we all depend on. GDAMS provides us with a wonderful opportunity to reach out to mayors by inviting them to issue proclamations and join Mayors for Peace, and to publicize the USCM resolution. Here are a few ideas:
  • ·Use your Mayor's Proclamation and the USCM resolution in your GDAMS publicity and outreach materials.
  • ·Invite your Mayor to speak at your GDAMS press conference.
  • ·Refer to and quote from your Mayor's Proclamation and the USCM resolution in op-eds, letters to the editor and social media.
  • ·Take copies of your Mayor's Proclamation and the USCM resolution to meetings with members of Congress or their staff; include it in correspondence with members of Congress.

  • Please send copies of GDAMS Mayoral Proclamations to Jackie Cabasso (e-mail below).

    Have questions? Need help? Contact me! - Jackie Cabasso, Mayors for Peace North American Coordinator; Executive Director, Western States Legal Foundation;
    Convener, UFPJ Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining Security Working Group


    jackie@2020visioncampaign.org; (510) 839-5877

    Mayors for Peace, an international organization, founded in 1982 and led by the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is working through its 2020 Vision Campaign for the global elimination of nuclear weapons by 2020. Mayors for Peace membership has grown by more than ten fold since 2003, as of June 1, 2013 counting 5,645 cities in 156 countries and regions, with nearly 200 U.S. members – in all, representing some one billion people.